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Thursday, September 1, 2011


Is this a real record player?          


  1. actually it's a phonograph.... and yes it looks real from here. Did you buy it?


  2. Hi Caleb! Is a phonograph the same as an old Victrola? When I was a girl my girlfriend and I used to trek down to a cute log cabin that belonged to her family. In it was a huge stone fireplace and among other interesting things there was a Victrola. We would listen to old songs like "Down by the Old Mill Stream". Really old. It seems like we would crank it to get it going. I might be wrong about that....I KNOW my own grandfather,Claude E. McNett, would crank his vintage Model T to start it up. Maybe they both needed cranking! Does the phonograph belong to you? Love, Mimi

  3. this in not real the picture was taken in a furniture store
